If you have been on the internet long enough, you would in all likelihood have searched and shopped over the net. I certainly have and most of what I have searched for have been downloadable products. When I have made those purchases I have not been able to help myself from wondering what it must be like to be on the other end of that transaction. When you run that online shop that has a worldwide audience ready with credit cards to purchase a downloadable product it must be a thrill to see payments come into your account, it must be nirvana when happens over and over again over a length of time.
For me, I have downloaded online books, tutorials and videos that cover educational sources for my basketball coaching and web design business. For both of those purchases, I entered in a subscriber payment structure where I was making payments on a monthly basis to continue to obtain the latest material
To me, this would be the perfect online business setup where you could have a members or subscribers website that had those members/subscribers paying a regular subscription month after month giving you a passive income through an online shop that operates 24/7 every day of the year.
I can only imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning to check your account and see it full with payments made into them while you were sleeping? This is not wishful thinking, it’s the reality for all those people you and I have bought products from over the internet and there are millions of them doing it.
Over the years I have looked at several programs which promise to show you how to make a significant income through selling on the internet. All of them usually ask for significant investments and most are in different countries, so it’s quite natural to be nervous about paying somebody in another country, knowing that if it is a hoax you have limited chance of getting your money back. In my case, due to this, I have looked into these programs while at the same time not having the courage to invest in them
So we have come up with a solution. What price would you pay to discover if these programs actually delivered what they promised? What would it be worth to know if these programs worked and what effort you would need to put into them to get results?
Well, we have just bitten the bullet and subscribed to one of these online business mentoring programs and we are going to give you the opportunity to follow our progress as we work through the program to see if it works. Through this, you will be able to see how they work, what’s involved and how much time and effort you will need to put into it. At the end of the process, we will publish a final review and assessment of the program. All this will mean is that if you’re interested you will be in a position to judge for yourself whether these programs can work for you.
Our first program is called the “The Affiliate Wealth Program” conducted by Ewen Chia who promotes himself as the #1 Super Affiliate marketer on the internet. Ewen is based out of Singapore and after thoroughly reading through his material I was drawn to his course as he has his staff personally contact you while also doing all the work to set you up on the internet.
He was also one of the only ones I have seen that offers a payment plan to make it more affordable which made it available for me. So I thought, “stuff it, it’s time to find out if this stuff is fact or fiction”. I am convinced it’s possible as I have already made some limited income online but I was unsure of the best methods for driving traffic to my sites and attracting buying customers. If this course gave me the education to achieve this, it would already be worth the money I have spent on it.
I already have a background in website development, social media and email marketing so I am well placed to be involved in a program like this and more importantly provide you with a thorough review.
So if you would like to discover whether these programs work, follow our progress reports and assessments with a final review at the end of the program, then subscribe t this first review. The cost for this is just $25.00. So before you spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to check out these programs, instead invest what is equivalent to the cost of a night at the cinemas and fnd out whether claims of making thousands extra a month are legitimate or simply a crock.
We will be doing this for a number of these online business programs and this is a great way for you to follow our research.
To register for our review and assessment reports then make a payment of $25.00 by clicking our Paypal button below. Once paid, then please send us through an email to admin@thecommunityforum.com.au with a copy of your payment receipt and details. We will then forward to you, access to our review page so you can follow our progress reports on this particular program.