
  At the community forum we want to encourage debate and discussion  that covers a wide variety of issues. To have that debate and discussion  we need opposing views. We will respect those views and where they are  contributed in a proper written manner that will encourage genuine  debate and discussion we will publish them.

This paper is a great opportunity for budding writers and journalists to cut  their teeth before progressing on to bigger things.

If you would like to begin creating your port folio contact via e-mail by CLICKING HERE and send us your article. W will respond to all submissions.



Christianity, why it is needed now more than ever.

Many people in these troubled times state that Christianity no longer serves a purpose. On the eve of Christmas, I ...

Returning to Church, an adventure stalled.

At the start of 2020 before the COVID-19 and the ensuing government restrictions hit us, I had rediscovered the experience ...

TCF Newsletter – 17th December 2020

Here is our email newsletter edition distributed on the 17th of December, 2020. For a great read CLICK HERE ...

My interesting life – a reason to reject Marxism

There is no better place on earth to live and work than Australia. Back in 1995 I came to Australia ...

A lesson from the past

Like so many have done through these six months of lockdowns, to maintain my sanity from the depressing news continually ...

My advocacy discovery. A battle lost, a war to be won!

Throughout my adult life, I have always had an interest in politics without it ever getting in the way of ...

COVID-19, are all the cards on the table for this fight?

In any vibrant democracy, a healthy scepticism combined with a vibrant questioning of government policy and strategy is not only ...

TCF Newsletter – 5th December – Carlton

Here is our latest edition featuring the famous Lygon Street businesses strip and some wonderful opinion articles, a great sports ...

100 years on, is there a conversation to be had?

"Though shall not grow old". How often have we heard these words in the poem written by English poet Robert ...

Is it wrong to love a dog

Is it wrong to love a dog? Six weeks ago I had to put my dog  Kobe to sleep to ...

Have an opinion, just as long as it doesn’t’ offend mine!

The definition of the word Bigot in the Cambridge dictionary is listed as - "a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not ...

A target of faith? Just depends on which faith!

I would have thought in these days or the feminazi and the #MeToo movement any derision of women, especially those ...

Mann’s best friend? A dog’s life making mine better. God Bless Kobe

Pet owners are an interesting bunch, some should never have been one, some never intended to be one, some have ...

Ashes to Ashes, hold on where’s the review

Publicly the Australian Cricket team leadership said all the correct things after their crushing test lost at Headingley, at least ...

Climate Change a Layman’s perspective

Climate Change, Global Warming, Climate Emergency or whatever name it has been given by all those in this cult-like movement, ...

It’s time – To be smart!

Once again Australians will be marching to the ballot box to decide the makeup of our federal parliament and ultimately ...

Hate Speech or Speech you Hate?

"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to ...

In defense of Christianity & Christians

I am a flawed Catholic who was raised by parents, especially my mother who embraced the church. Throughout my childhood, ...

The delcon’s conundrum, which is the lesser of two evils?

Well, the starting gun has been fired and we are just over a fortnight into the election campaign. Bill Shorten ...

Ignore the left at our peril. Lets push back!

What a week we all have just endured, Vegan’s on our streets and invading farms and now the sacking of ...